Amazing Quran

Saturday, July 4, 2009

is everything going to be alright?


it's going to be less than 5 mths till the date we decide to be an item..yet we only buy the "egg-flower" (can i use this word?)..we are so curious for the the day is coming, we become closer and able to control our emotions and relationship..the fights become less and the fond grow bigger..we tend to lean on each other's shoulder and go through the day by day with love and care..sometimes, it hurt us when we accidentally hurt them right? yah, i think i am more confident towards our relationship now..i could say to myself that although we are going to be in hard times in future, i just have to look back and say this person already give me all the sweet memories that are far beyond my expectations..

to my future husband, thank you for being there with me, i'll look forward for your care in future.



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