Amazing Quran

Thursday, May 28, 2009

I am Moslem!


saya "terbuka" satu blog omputeh yg mencemuh Rasulullah SAW semasa sy meng'google' image menggunakan keyword "teddy bear" (hajat hati nk cari pic teddy bear sbg wallpaper)..xsmpai ht nk baca sampai habis blog tu tp penulisnya rasanya seorang yang tdk beragama (atheis)..ble ada muslim yang komen dia bantai habis2..literaturenya power, maka dia pasti bukan org sembarangan..meskipun blognya entah bertarikh ble, sy ttp tinggalkan komen (sdg tunggu moderation by blogger itu):

if you could understand the meaning inside the name of “Muhammad”, then you will realize why he is the Prophet. if you could understand any single hadith, then you will realize there’s no one could beat His bibliography (sirah). too bad wt so many words describing Him you couldn’t understand any of them. only the chosen one will accept the truth and feel the peace and ease in his heart.

semoga kita tergolong di dalam org2 yg bertaqwa, Amin Ya Rabbal Alamin


+lolly+ said...


h@z@11 said...

betul,betul..saya yakin penulis tu ttp xfhm apa2 yg sya comment tu & dia ttp akan deny comment sya, tp sy ttp nk comment jg..mane bole kt diam je, btl x?btl x? moral of d story, sila kuatkan iman masing2, kt berhadapan dgn ancaman global..WALLAHUA'LAM

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